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Nowe firmware dla WRT54G v5/v6
Do działu Download trafił nowy firmware'u "v1.00.9 dla WRT54G v5 i v6". Przypomnę tylko, że oprogramowanie bazuje na systemie VxWorks, który nie jest dostępne na licencji GPL. Jedynym alternatywnym firmware dla tego sprzętu jest DD-WRT, którego można wgrać za pomocą EJTAG-a.
Lista zmian:
Firmware 1.00.9
- Resolves issue with MAC cloning
- Resolves issue with L2TP connection
- Resolves issue with using DNS server behind the router
- Resolves issue with loading configuration through HTTPS
- Resolves issue with PPPoE CHAP authentication
- Resolves issue with using Ping Plotter
- Resolves issue with SSH disconnects
- Resolves issue with DHCP WAN connection not acquiring the correct IP
- Resolves issue with UPnP
- Adds support for WRT54G v.6
- Resolves issue with Access Restriction
- Resolves issue with incorrect time display
- Resolves issue with using subnets other than
- Resolves security issue when using IRC
- Resolves issue with WAN address being pingable when port forwarding is enabled
- Resolves issue with using Kultalinkki banking software
- Resolves issue where web GUI becomes unreachable if remote management is enabled on port 80 or 443
- Resolves issue with slow internal loopback, i.e., accessing a local server through the WAN IP address
- Resolves issue with accessing online game servers
Firmware 1.00.6
- Resolves issues with WAP54G repeater mode
- Resolves issues with certain PPPoE connection
- Resolves issues with SES turning back on when applying settings
- Resolves issues with WPA allowing Shared key selection
- Resolves issues with web GUI ping function
- Resolves issues with using MSN whiteboard
- Resolves issues with instability when using Bittorent
- Resolves issues with using certain ATA phone adapters
- Resolves issues with connecting to NNTP news servers
Firmware 1.00.4
- Resolves issues with slow downstream speeds
- Resolves issues with certain web sites not loading or loading slowly
- Resolves issues with obtaining an IP address from Windows 2000 Server
- Resolves issues with certain Internet video streaming
- Resolves issues with playing PSP games online
Firmware 1.00.2
- Resolves issue with SES and interoperability with other adapters
- Resolves issue with DynDNS abusive updates
Firmware 1.00.1
- Resolves issue with enabling remote management
- Resolves issue with unstable device boot up
- Resolves issue with International country codes
· Łącznie użytkowników: 24,115 · Najnowszy użytkownik: Ja
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04-10-2024 17:34
Kupowałem Asusy n10u albo n12d1 ale nie widzę ich, chyba już nie produkują, Chodzi o coś nowego i taniego. Transfery niewielkie.
04-10-2024 09:38
@overflow2 patrząc po dostępności funkcji w nowych kompilacjach, to chyba nawet WRT54G/GL jeszcze ma OpenVPN, albo jakiś odpowiednik... zależy, na jakie transfery liczysz.
30-09-2024 20:53
Jaki aktualnie najtańszy router do tomato do openvpn?
27-07-2024 15:07
@servee - na początek router do rozebrania i obejrzenia, ciężko wróżyć tak tylko po objawach
27-07-2024 14:55
@servee - cały kontroler nie pada tak sobie z powodu "zbiegu okoliczności", więc prawdopodobnie gdzieś przepięcie.
25-07-2024 13:33
@maxikaaz: działało, aż pewnego pięknego dnia przestało działać. W tym dniu była też burza, ale to raczej zbieg okoliczności.
25-07-2024 11:38
@servee - o ile problem jest w obrębie samych wyjść (dławiki, warystory), to naprawialne, ale jeśli w samym SoC - to nienaprawialne ze względu na koszta. A co było przyczyną?
25-07-2024 09:22
W routerze RT-N18u siadły mi wszystkie porty LAN oraz WAN. Działa tylko radio. To jest naprawialne?
29-06-2024 15:16
hi, mam problem z routerkiem RT-AC88u a dokładniej z wgraniem nowego firmware.
03-06-2024 16:24
poszlo w koncu -najpierw przez restoration jakies stare ddwrt, potem z menu update plik ac66u z art o zmianie 868l->ac66u
w 11 czerwca 2006 11:00:48