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36% [152 głosów]

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52% [219 głosów]

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Rozpoczęto: 02/02/2015 09:38
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Beta firmware dla WRT54G v7
FirmwareNa stronie Linksys UK zamieszczono nowy firmware w wersji beta, przeznaczony dla sprzętu WRT54G v7. Zastanawiające jest to, jak przy tak ogromnej ilości błędów, które były zaszyte w poprzednich wersjach firmware routery w ogóle funkcjonowały ... Firmware można pobrać z tej lokalizacji >Link<

Linksys, A division of Cisco Systems, Inc.
Product: WRT54G (EMEA and APAC regions only)
Classification: Firmware Release History
Firmware Date: December 4, 2006
Release Date: December 21, 2006
Last Firmware Version: 7.00.3 (BETA FIRMWARE)
__________________________________________________ ___________________________
General Notes:
- This firmware is currently in BETA and will be dealt with at such with limited technical support.
- This firmware is NOT backwards compatible with hardware versions prior to 7.0
- This firmware is only for usage in EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) and APAC (Asia-Pacific).
- Disconnect all wireless clients from the router during the upgrade process. Make sure no wireless clients attempt to associate with the router until the upgrade process is complete.
- After upgrading to this firmware, Setup Wizard ver. 7 (shipped with the product) can configure the router, but is no longer able to change the language on the web-based/GUI on the router.
- Channels 12 and 13 are not functional in this version of the firmware.

Firmware 7.00.3 BETA FIRMWARE
- Resolves interoperability issue with WAP54G and WRE54G in WPA-PSK mode.
- Resolves intermittent reboot issue when BitTorrent is running when UPnP is enabled on the router.
- Resolves wireless data rate performance issues.
- Resolves issue with router assigns declined IP address to LAN host.
- Resolves issue with QoS module algorithm.
- Resolves reboot issue if fragmentation threshold is set to value less than 1500.
- Resolves issue with wireless MAC filtering configuration GUI.
- Resolves issue with saving RADIUS passphrase.
- Resolves display problems in routing policy configuration GUI.
- Resolves issue of RIP request packets not being sent out after switching to router mode.
- Resolves issue of logging the same event more than once when log function is enabled.
- Resolves issue of unexpected clearing of log when user stops and closes traceroute.
- Resolves issue of not being able to accessing some configuration settings after changing password.
- Resolves issues with incorrect beacon interval acceptable range and beacon packets not being sent out on some particular settings.
- Corrects "Port Range Forward" policies validation.
- Fixes problem of not storing DNS address(es) correctly if static DNS address(es) is/are used.
- For security purpose, "Clone Your PC's MAC" functionality is no longer available if user accesses router remotely.
- Resolves issue of displaying incorrect HTTPS certificate message.
- Fixes problem in QoS configuration validation.
- Fixes incorrect supported rates in beacon packets when wireless mode is set to 'mixed'.
- Resolves reboot issue with setting beacon interval to value greater than 5000.
- Corrects ARP exchange behavior on WAN interface (DHCP mode) after obtaining IP address via DHCP.
- Corrects PPTP connection behavior when PPTP mode is set to "on-demand" mode.
- Resolved issue with not being able to set UPnP policy with port number less than 1024.
- Fixes problem of DMZ feature not functioning properly.
- Resolves issue with not showing the most up-to-date connection status on WAN interface in MS Windows XP via UPnP.
- Resolves issue with LAN host intermittently not being able to obtain IP address from router via DHCP when DHCP server is enabled.
- Resolves issue with IP address assignment via DHCP on some particular devices.
- Corrects DHCP protocol stack behavior when switching from PPPoE mode to DHCP mode.
- Corrects "Access Restriction" behavior when system time is not available.
- Resolves issue of not trying alternative DNS if the preferred DNS does not respond.
#1 tomek3232
w 31 grudnia 2006 23:09:20
Czy to firmware pasuje do WRT54G na procesorze ar7?
stegano #2 stegano
w 31 grudnia 2006 23:11:27
To firmware tylko do v7 WRT54G.
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24-01-2025 18:18
Światłowód + mediakonwenter. Ekranowana skrętka nie jest wymagana, taką sytuację już zastałem. Zamierzam ją wymienić na zwykłą. Da to coś?

17-01-2025 07:45
a ta skrętka ekranowana o której piszesz to jakiś wkopany przewód do bramy/furtki/kamer
y zewn? Jak tak to jego też przez zabezpieczenie podepnij.

17-01-2025 07:43
no to pora zabezpieczyć kable LAN zabezpieczeniami przeciwprzepięciow
ymi - tanio nie będzie. Jak przychodzi ci internet? Skrętką czy światłem? Jak skrętką to zacząłbym od tego.

12-01-2025 12:52
Ponownie padły mi wszystkie porty sieciowe w routerze - to już 3-ci w 6 m-cy. Podejrzany to ekranowana, nieuziemiona skrętka - 12mb. Czy jest to możliwe?

21-12-2024 01:09
siema Grin

06-11-2024 22:37
dzięki !Grin

29-10-2024 14:27
@Maniek91PL - Administration=> Admin Access, i tam masz "Allow Wireless Access" do zaznaczenia

26-10-2024 22:07
siemka! ktoś przypomni co się ustawiało jeśli nie mogę wejść od strony wifi do tomato? od lan działa

04-10-2024 17:34
Kupowałem Asusy n10u albo n12d1 ale nie widzę ich, chyba już nie produkują, Chodzi o coś nowego i taniego. Transfery niewielkie.

04-10-2024 09:38
@overflow2 patrząc po dostępności funkcji w nowych kompilacjach, to chyba nawet WRT54G/GL jeszcze ma OpenVPN, albo jakiś odpowiednik... zależy, na jakie transfery liczysz.

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