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Pluto firmware dla WAG54G v2
Dzięki uprzejmości użytkownika burritos, dostaliśmy informację o >Australijskim projekcie< (Pluto) alternatywnego firmware, dla sprzętu WAG54G v2. Choć lista wprowadzonych zmian i innowacji jest dość obszerna, nikt z ekipy OpenLinksys nie mógł wypróbować możliwości softu ani go przetestować (powód - braku odpowiedniego sprzętu). Firmware można pobrać z działu Download.
Release Notes
* Changes as per .14 below, however includes more recent DSP7 code.
* Further improved httpd speed
* Fixed a minor bug in httpd involving management.asp
* Updated iptables from 1.2.7a to 1.3.6
* Modified iptables setup regarding IPSEC/NAT as per rogerp's suggestions
* Status page detects Annex M modes correctly
* Status page displays "Unknown mode" if synch is something we don't yet detect.
* Fixed a minor typo in style.css
* Quicker web ui load times
* fixed font rendering issue in web ui (style.css)
* added additional info in 'Gateway' status
* qos.asp added back into web ui
* fixed modulation description for ADSL2 M
... and more
* Added System uptime to Status_Router.asp
* Added PPP Link TX and RX bytes to Status_Router.asp under Internet Connection
* Upgraded Busybox from 0.60.0 to 1.2.1
* Got Annex M and full ADSL2/2+ support happening - Annex M not tested
* Added the changes talked about here --> forum-replies.cfm?t=508557&p=14 to the source and recompiled.
* Ditched some more of CyberTan's crap code and replaced with modified defaults to get top.c compiled as a part of BusyBox (needs work).
* Installed default copies of syslogd.c and klogd.c as CyberTan's code was crap
* Adjusted the way UDHCPD logs to /tmp/var/log/messages
* Enabled wireless logging
* Updated /etc/hosts file to have a default of linksys for the localhost
* Corrected compile error with part of FreeSwan (uml_netjig)
* Corrected incorrect compile of libpcap and reinstalled
* Enabled telnetd and various other busybox parts
* Added an AU server to the default list of NTP servers
* Disabled cron logging as this makes an entry in /tmp/var/log/messages every minute
* Initial compile on RHEL4 Update 4 server
* Updated some of the toolchain binaries
* Installed libpcap 0.9.4 into toolchain (needs work)
* Tidied up some of the HTML code
* Corrected poor grammer/english
* Adjusted CyberTan configuration files
* Adjusted basics in syslogd.c (Busybox)
* Tidied up some of the kernel source
Added Features
This is a list of the features currently supported by the Pluto firmware that are not available in the official Linksys firmware version.
telnetd enabled:
Allows telnet access to router using http password. The telnet opens an ash shell giving access to the CLI.
.. to be updated.
top added:
busybox command top can be accessed via the (telnet) CLI.
top -d
'top' provides a view of processor activity in real time. This utility reads the status for all processes in /proc each and shows the status for however many processes will fit on the screen. This utility will not show processes that are started after program startup, but it will show the EXIT status for and PIDs that exit while it is running.Top displays information about the processes currently executing.
Annex M support enabled:
Annex M support was already in the AR7 drivers, this enhancement allows Annex M to be enabled in the gui (only useful if your line/ISP support Annex M) and is now correctly identified and displayed in the 'DSL Connection' tab.
wireless logging enabled:
details of this feature should be added.
remote logging:
details of this feature should be added.
logging of ppp stats:
Added to HTML gui (also available via CLI).
system uptime reporting
Added to HTML gui (also available via CLI).
bug fixes and upgrades
HTTP server:
Several bugs fixed, efficiency improved, speed improved 400%.
HTML administration pages:
Several coding errors fixed, grammatical corrections, support for new software features.
(add details?)
Upgraded from version 0.6.0 to version 1.2.1.
The original closed-source version has been upgraded to open source version 1.4.1.
Believed to be working OK, but not thoroughly tested?
Upgraded from version 0.9.6d to version 0.9.8c.
Upgraded from version 1.2.7a to version 1.3.6
QOS support:
Several bugs fixed. Currently supports QOS based on TOS bits.
useful stuff
The heating of the AR7 chip is largely dependent on clock rate and processor loading. The clock rate is unchanged from the original firmware and several changes have been made to reduce processor loading (particularly in the HTML interface), so heating issues should be slightly less with Pluto.
Sync speeds
Several users report better sync speeds with Pluto, one or two report reduced sync speeds. It is not clear why the sync speed should change at all if Pluto is using the same DSP code as the official firmware.
In some cases it likely that users are upgrading from old firmware versions with earlier DSP code. Another possibility is that the firmware is setting a target S/N ratio which is somehow set differently in pluto. Perhaps users who are upgrading to Pluto should make a note of the reported version number, sync speed, margins, line attenuation and modulation type before and after the upgrade to allow the pattern to become more apparent.
Mosquito noise
The mosquito noise occurs on some units and not others, apparently randomly. The noise is apparently dependent on the version of ADSL data pump driver, and should not change between the latest official versions and pluto versions.
Ethernet port problems
Some units suffer from Ethernet ports that do not function correctly when cold. This is apparently a hardware issue with particular AR7 chips, and not connected to pluto firmware.
If your unit has this fault under warranty, you should ask for a replacement.
Why is it called pluto?
Pluto is the name of the server where the modified software was first built.
A czy istnieje jakieś firmware dla tych routerów ale z pamięcją FLASH 4MB bo takie wersje też wychodziły, i wtedy można by go zaadoptować do innych routerów opartych na AR7 (na d-link dsl g604t, dsl g624t, dsl g684t, asmax azetech, microcom, i inne), bo niestety większość routerów opartych na ar7 posiada 4MB FLASH i 16MB RAM
WAG354G V.2 rożni się od WAG54G v2 tylko mniejszą pamięcią 4MB FLASH i 16MB RAM, i ma inny bootloader bo pspboot a nie adam2 jak WAG54G v2. Jeśli komuś udało by się do niego podłączyć j-taga to można by mu właśnie załadować bootladera adam2 i korzystać z orginalnego oprogramowania d-linka
(dsl g604t i dsl g624t a jeśli by chodziło o annex b to od dsl g684t)
Ale sam osobiście bardzo czekam o jakieś dobre openwrt na ar7.
Jeśli ktoś coś wie na te temat to niech pisze na
panowie poprostu ktos musi poswiecic swojego WAG`a i zapodac ten soft. To jest soft na wersje AU a my mamy EU. http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-...588103&p=1
mysle ze powinno zadzialac kto nie ryzykuje ten nie........
· Łącznie użytkowników: 24,115 · Najnowszy użytkownik: Ja
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04-10-2024 17:34
Kupowałem Asusy n10u albo n12d1 ale nie widzę ich, chyba już nie produkują, Chodzi o coś nowego i taniego. Transfery niewielkie.
04-10-2024 09:38
@overflow2 patrząc po dostępności funkcji w nowych kompilacjach, to chyba nawet WRT54G/GL jeszcze ma OpenVPN, albo jakiś odpowiednik... zależy, na jakie transfery liczysz.
30-09-2024 20:53
Jaki aktualnie najtańszy router do tomato do openvpn?
27-07-2024 15:07
@servee - na początek router do rozebrania i obejrzenia, ciężko wróżyć tak tylko po objawach
27-07-2024 14:55
@servee - cały kontroler nie pada tak sobie z powodu "zbiegu okoliczności", więc prawdopodobnie gdzieś przepięcie.
25-07-2024 13:33
@maxikaaz: działało, aż pewnego pięknego dnia przestało działać. W tym dniu była też burza, ale to raczej zbieg okoliczności.
25-07-2024 11:38
@servee - o ile problem jest w obrębie samych wyjść (dławiki, warystory), to naprawialne, ale jeśli w samym SoC - to nienaprawialne ze względu na koszta. A co było przyczyną?
25-07-2024 09:22
W routerze RT-N18u siadły mi wszystkie porty LAN oraz WAN. Działa tylko radio. To jest naprawialne?
29-06-2024 15:16
hi, mam problem z routerkiem RT-AC88u a dokładniej z wgraniem nowego firmware.
03-06-2024 16:24
poszlo w koncu -najpierw przez restoration jakies stare ddwrt, potem z menu update plik ac66u z art o zmianie 868l->ac66u
w 01 stycznia 2007 11:36:57
w 02 stycznia 2007 02:13:34
w 02 stycznia 2007 14:48:46
w 17 kwietnia 2007 08:47:36
w 09 maja 2007 16:53:48