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DD-WRT SP2 final !
Właśnie ukazała się finalna wersja 'DD-WRT v23 SP2'. Różnice pomiędzy poprzednimi wersja są jak zwykle ogromne i nie chodzi tu o ilość wprowadzonych innowacji która jest bardzo duża, ale przede wszystkim o stabilność i dojrzałość projektu (oczywiście po prawidłowej konfiguracji), który moim zdaniem jest rozwijany bardzo logicznie i przemyślnie. DD-WRT wypuszczany jest w pięciu wersjach; micro, mini, standard, voip i vpn, czyli dla każdego coś dobrego :-). Firmware można pobrać z działu Download.
Dodam tylko że od wersji SP2 mamy oficjalnie do wyboru również nasz Ojczysty język. Tyczy się to wszystkich wersji oprócz mikro.
Lista zmian:
0001741 [DD-WRT v23] ebtables support broken
0001687 [DD-WRT v23] Access Restrictions doesn't work correct
0001763 [DD-WRT v23] DHCP Client Table No Longer Shows Up On Status Tab/LAN Tab?
0000789 [DD-WRT v24] Access Restriction time bug
0001757 [DD-WRT v24] upnp reports incorrect router info
0001742 [DD-WRT v23] Problems with smbmount in build 6/9/2006
0001744 [DD-WRT v23] crash resolved (administrator) 09-09-06 Installing 2006-09-06 on Asus DeLuxe crashes.
0001587 [DD-WRT v24] Udhcpc client timeout too soon for some ISPs
0001720 [DD-WRT v23] Web gui stp enabled but brctl shows no enabled
0001721 [DD-WRT v23] brctl setportprio don't works
0001726 [DD-WRT v23] DDNS with DynDNS.org Wildcard always set
0001689 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless rate on summary page has units shown twice
0001703 [DD-WRT v23] 0826 Build causes WR850G v1 to reboot continous after wireless configuration
0001697 [DD-WRT v23] Unable to re-establish WDS
0001707 [DD-WRT v23] About DD-WRT pop up box
0001695 [DD-WRT v23] The Wireless MAC is:CE:2A:00:00:00:00
0001671 [DD-WRT v24] Netmask of 2.WLAN Interfaces is not set
0001630 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless Lan no TX.
0001679 [DD-WRT v24] Subnet mask not set on additional SSID
0001685 [DD-WRT v24] arp -a doesn't give any output
0001686 [DD-WRT v23] WRTSL54GS, Wireless MAC is wrong in WDS configuration page.
0001684 [DD-WRT v24] channels 12-14 not selectables
0001675 [DD-WRT v23] bug in www interface will display sensative network settings, IP numbers, MAC addresses etc.. Needs to be secured!
0001658 [DD-WRT v23] Sipath Phonebook und Status Page broken
0001626 [DD-WRT v23] nocat splashd goes 99% cpu time.
0001668 [DD-WRT v23] Admin > Commands working, but output to GUI wrong
0001604 [DD-WRT v23] does not add self created QoS rules
0001653 [DD-WRT v23] stdout not working properly | v23 sp2 8/18
0001652 [DD-WRT v23] DDNS settings not saved
0001541 [DD-WRT v23] scheduled reboot is not executed
0001641 [DD-WRT v23] Wireless Noise Reference (Default: -98, Range: 0 - -100db) does not allow -100db
0001627 [DD-WRT v23] Cannot enter GW IP through web-interface.
0001640 [DD-WRT v23] Dyndns updating host server every 15 minutes
0001636 [DD-WRT v23] On the Setup screen under basic setup, the save button does not work
0001637 [DD-WRT v23] almost bricked and DHCP bug
0001620 [DD-WRT v24] cannot open or create lease file (w/solution)
0001496 [DD-WRT v23] OpenVPN does not work after built date 06/15
0001618 [DD-WRT v23] Radio Broadcast Notification Error
0001621 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless channel selection in GUI deducts 1 channel in radio
0001611 [DD-WRT v23] svn3434 botho - error in Wireless_Advanced.asp
0000784 [DD-WRT v23] PPTP-User don't get local DNS lookup
0001605 [DD-WRT v23] Aug. 03 release: Safari problem
0001482 [DD-WRT v23] WHR3-AG54 can't reset to defaults.
0001596 [DD-WRT v23] error in Wireless_Advanced.asp
0001593 [DD-WRT v23] DDNS can't set
0001592 [DD-WRT v23] When you add a static lease, the option "Use NVRAM for client lease DB" becomes unchecked.
0001584 [DD-WRT v23] dropbear vulnerability (needs updated rev)
0001562 [DD-WRT v24] KAID: New version is available
0001573 [DD-WRT v23] Static DHCP Clients Don't All Show Up In DHCP Client List With "Use NVRAM For Client Lease DB" Enabled
0001565 [DD-WRT v23] 7-30-06 micro generic bricked Belkin 7230-4 v1444
0001580 [DD-WRT v23] DDNS Gui confuse
0001583 [DD-WRT v24] eth0 and eth2 not in promisc mode?
0001581 [DD-WRT v24] Bricking
0001566 [DD-WRT v23] 7-30-06 micro generic in constant boot cycle Linksys WRT54G V5
0001568 [DD-WRT v23] DHCP Clients are not shown
for our chinese users 3322.org dyndns has been added
0001555 [DD-WRT v23] "Use NVRAM For Client Lease DB" Doesn't Save?
0001552 [DD-WRT v24] rp-pppoe not working, v24 07/27/06-2
0001554 [DD-WRT v23] Missing translations (German) in 0727
0001553 [DD-WRT v23] WBR2-G54: 7-27 build, reset to factory defaults locks me out of the router,
0001526 [DD-WRT v24] it doesn't save the name of the 1st Virtual Network 0.24 (22_2/07/2006)
0000252 [DD-WRT v24] Access restriction on wlan
0000106 [DD-WRT v24] Syslogd remote server field
0001518 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless_basic GUI ugly for wrtsl54gs v24
0001528 [DD-WRT v24] WLAN Settings can't be saved
0001125 [DD-WRT v24] Add SVN revision to builddate string, date conforming to ISO
0001531 [DD-WRT v23] Can't save changes on Administration->Services
0001523 [DD-WRT v23] v23 SP2 (0722 and 0722-2)
0001501 [DD-WRT v23] Both telnet and DNSMasque not working in July 18 release
0001508 [DD-WRT v23] Optware packages mount point
0001514 [DD-WRT v23] /sbin/route missing in micro build, PPTP client then not working
0001456 [DD-WRT v23] WDS with WPA TKIP does not work
0001500 [DD-WRT v23] July 17 release: "Use SES for turning off radio" doesn't work
0001494 [DD-WRT v23] NoCat unable to be set to zero loging
0001462 [DD-WRT v23] DynDNS Abuse
0001482 [DD-WRT v23] WHR3-AG54 can't reset to defaults.
0001487 [DD-WRT v24] dnsmasq doesn't work for DHCP
0000529 [DD-WRT v23] SNMP sysUpTime wrong after first clock synchronization
0001295 [DD-WRT v23] QoS - Services Priority - Cannot add a service that uses TCP port range.
0001483 [DD-WRT v23] dd-wrt sp2 07/16 DHCP does not work
0001484 [DD-WRT v23] Upgrade to 7/16 build, DNS name resolution fails
0001478 [DD-WRT v24] v24 build20060713std --> v24 build20060715vpn = bricked
0001047 [DD-WRT v23] Add /mmc to PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH
0001329 [DD-WRT v23] WDS disconnects every 2 to 10 minutes (not sure if its a bug)
0001468 [DD-WRT v24] WBR2-G54: Reset button does not reset settings to factory default
0001471 [DD-WRT v24] Corrected German translation
0001475 [DD-WRT v23] WRT v2.2 brick after 'reset to defaults' (07/14/06) std
0001453 [DD-WRT v24] Date and Timestamp at the DDNS Status
0001410 [DD-WRT v24] On reset to factory defaults, inconsistent/odd settings on Wireless->Basic Setup etc.
0001424 [DD-WRT v23] July 6 release: crond-jobs executed twice
0001384 [DD-WRT v23] [July,1] PPPoe Connect reconnect loop only with rp-pppoe
0001435 [DD-WRT v24] rp pppoe cannot retain connection
0001459 [DD-WRT v24] "Wireless Network Mode" has no effect - always Mixed
0001456 [DD-WRT v23] WDS with WPA TKIP does not work
0001460 [DD-WRT v23] Minor mistake on version number (07/11/06)
0000138 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless Status Page shows Encryption as Disabled even though it is enabled
0001110 [DD-WRT v24] PPPOE relay
0001436 [DD-WRT v24] wep keys cannot be set by entering hex string.
0001438 [DD-WRT v24] ssid doesn't accept character ['] anymore.
0001439 [DD-WRT v24] In wireless security page, I cannot add WEP key, client mode
0001432 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless security settings problem
0001445 [DD-WRT v24] Wireless Security [ "Done, but with errors on page" ] error
0001449 [DD-WRT v23] Minor mistake on version number
0001433 [DD-WRT v23] Save/Reboot buttons on Administration->Management page do not function
0001441 [DD-WRT v23] July 8 release: Errors on div asp webpages
0001444 [DD-WRT v23] error in Keep Alive page (07/10/06)
0001416 [DD-WRT v24] spontaneously reboots on WRTSL54GS
0001418 [DD-WRT v23] Wireless survey not working in client wireless modes
0001411 [DD-WRT v23] July 5 release: password encryption breaks pppoe
0001404 [DD-WRT v24] checkbox "v" for Wildcard on DDNS is not showed after saving, V24 04/07
0001401 [DD-WRT v24] Site survey is causing wireless crash in 2006-0704 (again)
0001402 [DD-WRT v24] SSID is always dd-wrt in Wireless Status (2006-0704)
0001394 [DD-WRT v24] the router crashes when I tried to remove a Virtual Interfaces
0001246 [DD-WRT v23] RIP2Router -> Selecting Interface "WAN" selects "br0" in /tmp/etc/bird/bird.conf
0000760 [DD-WRT v24] Dynamic DNS should be able to retrieve public IP from the web
0001392 [DD-WRT v24] Router crashes when click on button "Site survey" and resets wireless channel to 6
0001391 [DD-WRT v23] v23 7/01/06-2 build std: Router does not communicate with RADIUS server
0001388 [DD-WRT v23] [July,1] broken iptables output
0000982 [DD-WRT v24] Support for WRTSL54GS
0000494 [DD-WRT v24] Custom DDNS
0001380 [DD-WRT v24] Please add support for No-IP.com as DDNS
0000065 [DD-WRT v24] Port based QoS
0001379 [DD-WRT v23] v2.4.33-rc2 fixes some issues with netfilter
0000683 [DD-WRT v23] Router (WAN) MAC set to 00:00:00:00:00:00 when 'Connect on Demand' selected - SP1 (01/27/06)
0000125 [DD-WRT v24] trivial resolved (LawnMowerGuy1) 06-28-06 bash reports as V23
0001349 [DD-WRT v23] v23 SP1 Final (06/15/06) micro, GUI shows PPTP Server and Hotspot options
0001373 [DD-WRT v23] Can't change router name when using client bridge mode
0001367 [DD-WRT v23] crond don't work in current releases (19.06.2006)
0000663 [DD-WRT v23] Add a favicon.ico to web?
0001324 [DD-WRT v23] Cant turn on WEP, says Afterburner is on, but it isn't!
0001358 [DD-WRT v23] Afterburner default
0001348 can't establish pptp connection to router(running as pptp server)
0001341 can't connect pppoe with rp-pppoe in 06/12/06
0001347 Wireless Client MAC List doesn't populate
0001283 Keep Alive: Disabling Scheduled Reboot still reboots (SP1 Final)
0001323 MAC addr in client mode- radio not matching status pages
0001319 Belkin F5D7231-4 will continuously reboot when adding DMZ
0000045 Router Name not always seen in logon of telnet.
0000730 rflow and wan interface no traffic recorded
0001315 5.jun. : wireless clients not shown
0001316 v23 SP1 (06/05/06) - Services.asp is two columns
0001046 Local loopback broken with a class b and class a networks.
0001060 NoCatSplash issues again
0001277 OpenVPN parameter error
0001290 Missing common.js = No capture( ) function
0000783 Modules for VPN passthrough disabled by WAN side DHCP renewal when PPTPD is enabled
0000548 Consider using CSS in vlan page
0001086 Wake Up LAN Clients from WebGUI
0001239 Status/Lan/DHCP Clients OUI Search don't work on MAC Addresses
0001243 Syslog only accepts IP address
0000642 OpenVPN "options" entry box
0000081 udhcpd: Can't delete clients from the DHCP client table
0001230 udhcpd.conf contains wrong max_leases value
0001191 DNSMasq clears udhcpd.leases on first DHCP assignment after startup
0001052 DNSMasq clears udhcpd.leases on startup
0001262 Noise in Client-Mode not refreshed
0001267 "MAC-udp" instead of "MAC-upd" in status page
0001264 netmask in QoS.asp truncates final digit
0001252 SP1 final micro: Javascript Error in Wireless -> WDS
0001225 SSHd not working in SP1 RC4 - RC6
0001241 Port forwarding: "both" option disapears from selecion menu
0001242 WDS noise level summary sign is wrong
czy mi wzrok myli czy wyszla druga wersja v23 SP2 ? bo SP2 wyszlo 13 wrzesnia i takiej daty byly pliki , dzisiaj patrze a prawie wszystkie daty plikow zmianily sie na 15.09
Właśnie wczoraj zrobiłem sobie update z SP1 do SP2. Użytkuję w domu.
W sumie razem sprzęt (WRT54GL) oraz soft (DD-WRT SP2) - bomba !.
Strasznie żałuję że nie mam takiego sprzętu w robocie. Na codzień smuszę się szarpać z DLINK'ami.
Mam aktualnie w Motoroli WR850G wersję standard v23 SP1, by ją wgrać musiałem najpierw wgrać mini v23 SP1. Czy update powinien wyglądać podobnie czy od razu wrzucić generic (standard v23 SP2). Jarbol
Nie wiem jak to jest w Motoroli bo mam Linksysa WRT54GL ale ja przeprowadzałem ostatnio aktualizację z DD-WRT v23 SP2 standard (13.09) do v23 SP2 (15.09) i żadnych problemów nie stwierdziłem. Oczywiście przed aktualizacją wyczyściłem NVRAM.
· Łącznie użytkowników: 24,115 · Najnowszy użytkownik: Ja
Musisz się zalogować, aby opublikować wiadomość.
04-10-2024 17:34
Kupowałem Asusy n10u albo n12d1 ale nie widzę ich, chyba już nie produkują, Chodzi o coś nowego i taniego. Transfery niewielkie.
04-10-2024 09:38
@overflow2 patrząc po dostępności funkcji w nowych kompilacjach, to chyba nawet WRT54G/GL jeszcze ma OpenVPN, albo jakiś odpowiednik... zależy, na jakie transfery liczysz.
30-09-2024 20:53
Jaki aktualnie najtańszy router do tomato do openvpn?
27-07-2024 15:07
@servee - na początek router do rozebrania i obejrzenia, ciężko wróżyć tak tylko po objawach
27-07-2024 14:55
@servee - cały kontroler nie pada tak sobie z powodu "zbiegu okoliczności", więc prawdopodobnie gdzieś przepięcie.
25-07-2024 13:33
@maxikaaz: działało, aż pewnego pięknego dnia przestało działać. W tym dniu była też burza, ale to raczej zbieg okoliczności.
25-07-2024 11:38
@servee - o ile problem jest w obrębie samych wyjść (dławiki, warystory), to naprawialne, ale jeśli w samym SoC - to nienaprawialne ze względu na koszta. A co było przyczyną?
25-07-2024 09:22
W routerze RT-N18u siadły mi wszystkie porty LAN oraz WAN. Działa tylko radio. To jest naprawialne?
29-06-2024 15:16
hi, mam problem z routerkiem RT-AC88u a dokładniej z wgraniem nowego firmware.
03-06-2024 16:24
poszlo w koncu -najpierw przez restoration jakies stare ddwrt, potem z menu update plik ac66u z art o zmianie 868l->ac66u
w 16 września 2006 07:58:46
w 16 września 2006 11:54:41
w 16 września 2006 15:18:29
w 18 września 2006 21:45:54
w 18 września 2006 22:14:53
w 20 września 2006 15:18:20