29 Września 2024 00:48:08
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Rozpoczęto: 02/02/2015 09:38
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OpenLinksys » :: OPROGRAMOWANIE :: » Tomato - firmware
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[MOD] Tomato by shibby

Dalej nie wiem co i jak :/


qrs napisał(a):

Smile ja mam 68"C

btw, jak rozszyfrować ten ciąg znaków



no i jak go poźniej zapisać do tej postaci?Smile

tu popacz Smilehttp://tnij.org/3nf9u88
Edytowany przez shibby dnia 16-06-2015 16:04
nic nie mam
@Shibby więc tak.
mam tylko routery 3500LV2.

Na łączu gdzie był czas bootowanie 5 minut teraz na wersji 130 jest miodzio. Boot trwa 90s albo mniej.

Ale zrobiłem test na innym łączu. Neostrada z modemem w trybie bridge.
Dostaję w logach pppd[4511]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets i zanim łącze powstanie to mija 15 minut. Nie łączy się PPPoE! Poprzednie wersje miały to samo więc nie włączałem tam DNSCRYPT. Coś jest nie tak tylko nie wiem z czym

Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3114]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3114]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: PPP session is 2459 (0x99b)
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3102]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: CHAP authentication failed
Jun 15 19:16:51 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3102]: CHAP authentication failed
Jun 15 19:16:57 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:16:57 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Modem hangup
Jun 15 19:17:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: PPP session is 1833 (0x729)
Jun 15 19:17:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3102]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:17:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:17:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:17:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: CHAP authentication failed
Jun 15 19:17:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3102]: CHAP authentication failed
Jun 15 19:17:11 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3103]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:17:14 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:17:14 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Modem hangup
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: PPP session is 11371 (0x2c6b)
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3102]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: peer from calling number CC:E1:7F:04:2C:A4 authorized
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: local IP address
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: remote IP address
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: primary DNS address
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: secondary DNS address
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug ip-up[3132]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:24 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Done
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3140]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3140]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3140]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3140]: Done
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3114]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Server certificate #1408041567 received
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: This certificate looks valid
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Chosen certificate #1408041567 is valid from [2014-08-15] to [2015-08-15]
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Server key fingerprint is 8201:4577:3D75:3934:FC25:B83C:8369:72DC:98A2:1368:AA0A:2C18:6C17Grin7B4:30E8:CD63
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3138]: Proxying from to
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: starting rstats.
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: starting cstats.
Jun 15 19:17:26 RT-803773ee2772 user.notice root: MySQL successfully stoped
Jun 15 19:17:27 RT-803773ee2772 user.notice root: Transmission daemon successfully stoped
Jun 15 19:17:27 RT-803773ee2772 user.notice root: Stoping NFS Server ...
Jun 15 19:17:27 RT-803773ee2772 user.info init[1]: Netgear WNR3500L v2: Tomato 1.28.0000 MIPSR2-130 K26 USB AIO
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3114]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3237]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3237]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 user.notice root: NFS Server stoped ...
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3237]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3237]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Done
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3277]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3277]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3277]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3277]: Done
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: read /etc/hosts - 14 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3237]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Server certificate #1408041567 received
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: This certificate looks valid
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Chosen certificate #1408041567 is valid from [2014-08-15] to [2015-08-15]
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Server key fingerprint is 8201:4577:3D75:3934:FC25:B83C:8369:72DC:98A2:1368:AA0A:2C18:6C17Grin7B4:30E8:CD63
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3275]: Proxying from to
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3102]: Child process /tmp/ppp/ip-up (pid 3132) terminated with signal 15
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jun 15 19:17:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Sent 63051 bytes, received 54634 bytes.
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3102]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3102]: Exit.
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:17:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:17:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3237]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:17:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3378]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:17:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3378]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:17:30 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3380]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:17:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3237]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3391]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3391]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3391]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3391]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:17:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3391]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:17:50 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3380]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3379]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: PPP session is 5555 (0x15b3)
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3379]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:18:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: peer from calling number CC:E1:7F:04:2C:A4 authorized
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: local IP address
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: remote IP address
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: primary DNS address
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: secondary DNS address
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug ip-up[3401]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:18:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Done
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3409]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3409]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3409]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3409]: Done
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: read /etc/hosts - 6 addresses
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3391]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Server certificate #1408041567 received
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: This certificate looks valid
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Chosen certificate #1408041567 is valid from [2014-08-15] to [2015-08-15]
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Server key fingerprint is 8201:4577:3D75:3934:FC25:B83C:8369:72DC:98A2:1368:AA0A:2C18:6C17Grin7B4:30E8:CD63
Jun 15 19:18:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3407]: Proxying from to
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3379]: Child process /tmp/ppp/ip-up (pid 3401) terminated with signal 15
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: Sent 54783 bytes, received 30160 bytes.
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3379]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3379]: Exit.
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:18:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:18:11 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3498]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:18:11 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3498]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:18:11 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3499]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:18:11 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3500]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:18:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3391]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3391]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3511]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3511]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3511]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3511]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:18:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3511]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:18:31 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3500]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:18:46 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3499]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3520]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3520]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3520]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3520]: Done
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3522]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3522]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3522]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3522]: Done
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3511]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:19:06 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:19:06 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3578]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3578]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3580]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:19:07 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3511]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3591]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3591]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3591]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3591]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:12 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3591]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:19:22 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: PPP session is 535 (0x217)
Jun 15 19:19:22 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3579]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:19:22 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:19:22 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: peer from calling number CC:E1:7F:04:2C:A4 authorized
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: local IP address
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: remote IP address
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: primary DNS address
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: secondary DNS address
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug ip-up[3598]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:19:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Done
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3612]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3612]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3612]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: read /etc/hosts - 10 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3591]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Server certificate #1408041567 received
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: This certificate looks valid
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Chosen certificate #1408041567 is valid from [2014-08-15] to [2015-08-15]
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Server key fingerprint is 8201:4577:3D75:3934:FC25:B83C:8369:72DC:98A2:1368:AA0A:2C18:6C17Grin7B4:30E8:CD63
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3610]: Proxying from to
Jun 15 19:19:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3612]: Done
Jun 15 19:19:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3579]: Child process /tmp/ppp/ip-up (pid 3598) terminated with signal 15
Jun 15 19:19:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun 15 19:19:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jun 15 19:19:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: Sent 75322 bytes, received 41842 bytes.
Jun 15 19:19:28 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3579]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3579]: Exit.
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:19:29 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:19:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3701]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:19:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3701]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:19:30 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3703]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:19:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3702]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:19:31 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3591]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3591]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3714]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3714]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3714]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3714]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:19:34 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3714]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:19:37 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info ntpd[625]: Deleting interface #5 ppp0,, interface stats: received=0, sent=0, dropped=0, active_time=1200 secs
Jun 15 19:19:50 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3703]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:20:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3702]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3723]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3723]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3723]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3723]: Done
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3725]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3714]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3725]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3725]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:20:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3725]: Done
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:20:25 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:20:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3781]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:20:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3781]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:20:26 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3783]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:20:26 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3782]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3714]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3794]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3794]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3794]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3794]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:20:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3794]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:20:46 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3783]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:21:01 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3782]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3803]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3803]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3803]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3803]: Done
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3805]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3805]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3805]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3794]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:21:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3805]: Done
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:21:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:21:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3861]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:21:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3861]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:21:23 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3863]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:21:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3794]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3874]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3874]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3874]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3874]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:21:27 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3874]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: PPP session is 4994 (0x1382)
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3862]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: peer from calling number CC:E1:7F:04:2C:A4 authorized
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: local IP address
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: remote IP address
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: primary DNS address
Jun 15 19:21:38 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: secondary DNS address
Jun 15 19:21:39 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug ip-up[3881]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:21:39 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
Jun 15 19:21:39 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:21:39 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:21:39 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Done
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3895]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3895]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:21:42 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3895]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: read /etc/hosts - 10 addresses
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3874]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Server certificate #1408041567 received
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: This certificate looks valid
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Chosen certificate #1408041567 is valid from [2014-08-15] to [2015-08-15]
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Server key fingerprint is 8201:4577:3D75:3934:FC25:B83C:8369:72DC:98A2:1368:AA0A:2C18:6C17Grin7B4:30E8:CD63
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: Proxying from to
Jun 15 19:21:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[3895]: Done
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[3862]: Child process /tmp/ppp/ip-up (pid 3881) terminated with signal 15
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: Sent 63981 bytes, received 48872 bytes.
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3862]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3862]: Exit.
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:21:44 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:21:45 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3874]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:21:45 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3984]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:21:45 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[3984]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:21:45 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3986]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:21:45 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[3985]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:21:55 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:21:57 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:00 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:01 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:01 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:01 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:02 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[3893]: resolver timeout (UDP)
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[3986]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3874]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3998]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3998]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3998]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[3998]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:22:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3998]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:22:20 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[3985]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4006]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4006]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4006]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4008]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4008]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4008]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4006]: Done
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[3998]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:22:50 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4008]: Done
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:22:57 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:22:58 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4064]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:22:58 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4064]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:22:58 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4066]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:22:58 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4065]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:23:05 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err dnscrypt-proxy[4006]: Unable to retrieve server certificates
Jun 15 19:23:06 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4006]: Refetching server certificates
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4066]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[3998]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4078]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4078]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4078]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4078]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:23:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4078]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:23:33 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[4065]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4086]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4086]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4086]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4086]: Done
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4088]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4088]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4088]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4088]: Done
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:24:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4078]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:24:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4078]: DHCPNAK(br0) 44Grin4:e0:ba:75:52 wrong network
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:24:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:24:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4144]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:24:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4144]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:24:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4146]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:24:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4145]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:24:18 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err dnscrypt-proxy[4086]: Unable to retrieve server certificates
Jun 15 19:24:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4086]: Refetching server certificates
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4146]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4078]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4158]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4158]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4158]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4158]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:24:30 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4158]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:24:45 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[4145]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:25:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4166]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:25:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4166]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:25:15 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4166]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4166]: Done
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4158]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4168]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4168]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4168]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:25:16 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4168]: Done
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:25:22 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:25:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4224]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:25:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4224]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:25:23 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:25:23 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4226]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:25:31 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err dnscrypt-proxy[4166]: Unable to retrieve server certificates
Jun 15 19:25:32 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4166]: Refetching server certificates
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4226]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4158]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug init[1]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: started, version 2.72+ cachesize 1500
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-i18n no-IDN DHCP DHCPv6 no-Lua TFTP no-conntrack ipset Tomato-helper auth DNSSEC loop-detect
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: DNSSEC validation enabled
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: DNSSEC signature timestamps not checked until first cache reload
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4238]: warning: interface tun22 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4238]: warning: interface tap21 does not currently exist
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: asynchronous logging enabled, queue limit is 5 messages
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4238]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4238]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: read /etc/hosts - 2 addresses
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:25:43 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4238]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:25:58 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.err pppd[4225]: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: PPP session is 426 (0x1aa)
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[4225]: Connected to cc:e1:7f:04:2c:a4 via interface vlan2
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: Using interface ppp0
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: Connect: ppp0 <--> vlan2
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: CHAP authentication succeeded
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: peer from calling number CC:E1:7F:04:2C:A4 authorized
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: local IP address
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: remote IP address
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: primary DNS address
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: secondary DNS address
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug ip-up[4246]: 182: pptp peerdns disabled
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:26:03 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: using nameserver
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Done
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4259]: Starting dnscrypt-proxy 1.4.1
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4259]: Initializing libsodium for optimal performance
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4259]: Generating a new key pair
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4259]: Done
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: now checking DNSSEC signature timestamps
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: read /etc/hosts - 10 addresses
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq[4238]: read /etc/dnsmasq/hosts/hosts - 3 addresses
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnsmasq-dhcp[4238]: read /etc/dnsmasq/dhcp/dhcp-hosts
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn pppd[4225]: Child process /tmp/ppp/ip-up (pid 4246) terminated with signal 15
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Server certificate #1408041567 received
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: This certificate looks valid
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Chosen certificate #1408041567 is valid from [2014-08-15] to [2015-08-15]
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Server key fingerprint is 8201:4577:3D75:3934:FC25:B83C:8369:72DC:98A2:1368:AA0A:2C18:6C17Grin7B4:30E8:CD63
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice dnscrypt-proxy[4257]: Proxying from to
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: Terminating on signal 15
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: Connect time 0.1 minutes.
Jun 15 19:26:08 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: Sent 59604 bytes, received 38871 bytes.
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4225]: Connection terminated.
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4225]: Exit.
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from vlan interface
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: del 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address from master interface
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.warn kernel: vlan2: Setting MAC address to 00 5a b8 ce 17 f0.
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 01:00:5e:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:26:09 RT-803773ee2772 user.debug kernel: vlan2: add 33:33:00:00:00:01 mcast address to master interface
Jun 15 19:26:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4348]: Plugin rp-pppoe.so loaded.
Jun 15 19:26:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.info pppd[4348]: RP-PPPoE plugin version 3.10 compiled against pppd 2.4.5
Jun 15 19:26:10 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.notice pppd[4349]: pppd 2.4.5 started by root, uid 0
Jun 15 19:26:10 RT-803773ee2772 user.info redial[4350]: Started. Time: 10
Jun 15 19:26:11 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.warn dnsmasq[4238]: no servers found in /etc/resolv.dnsmasq, will retry
Jun 15 19:26:19 RT-803773ee2772 daemon.debug dnscrypt-proxy[4257]:

dzięki, przyda mi się to Smile
Netgear R7000Netgear WNR3500L v2MikroTik hAP ac^2TP-LINK M7650
Zgłaszałem ten sam problem. Nie wiem kiedy sie to pojawiło, ale wydaje mi sie na v121 nie występuje.

Mikrotik hAP ac2
UniFi AP AC v2
-OFW, UniFi AP PRO- OpenWRT,
Linksys E1000v2 - Tomato-RT-N5x-MIPSR2-116-Hyzoom.4M-Mini
Tenda AC10 - AC1200 OFW
NAS - HP Microserver Gen8 i3-3220T, 8GB RAM 5x 3TB WD RED | Xpenology
Potrzebuję pomocy w polityce prywatności VPN gdy zaznaczę opcję "Redirect through VPN" i nie ważne co tam wpiszę (IP) to jak klient VPN jest uruchomiony to mają wszyscy IP VPN, jak klient zatrzymany to nikt nie ma. Po konfiguracji robiłem resety etc.

Czyli robię coś źle, ale nie do końca wiem co ?
Asus RT-AC68U


jack78 napisał(a):

Zgłaszałem ten sam problem. Nie wiem kiedy sie to pojawiło, ale wydaje mi sie na v121 nie występuje.

a ja jestem pewien, że na v119 było dobrze, bo pamiętam, że kilka razy wracałem właśnie do v119 z tego powodu,
że długo nie można było uzyskać połączenia z siecią, było to najbardziej dotkliwe przy konfigurowaniu routera z "palca" kiedy po wpisaniu
ustawień trzeba było zrestartować router, lub wan restartował się po zapisaniu ustawień. Ale ja miałem z koleji takie wrażenie,
że nawiązywane jest połączenie i dosłownie w ułamku sekundy rozłączało i następowała kolejna próba połączenia. (zmieniało się poprzednie IP WAN)
Asus RT-N16[B2] FreshTomato Firmware 2020.6 MIPSR2 K26 USB AIO (od 2020.11.09)



Ale ja miałem z koleji takie wrażenie,
że nawiązywane jest połączenie i dosłownie w ułamku sekundy rozłączało i następowała kolejna próba połączenia. (zmieniało się poprzednie IP WAN)

Masz dobre wrażenie. Mnie się wydaje, że łączy na kilka sekund i zrywa. Pingi od strony WAN polecą, (strona LAN działa) komunikator połączy na chwilę, na kilka do kilkunastu pingów i zrywa. Ale na tym samym łączu gdy wyłączę OPENDNS/DNSCRYPT to wszystko wraca do normy. Na innym łączu gdzie na WAN miałem static IP problem był podobny, ten co poisywałem niedawno. Pingi znikały po chwili aby wrócić po kilku minutach.
Tutaj mam PPPoE i mam 15 minut zanim wstanie z włączonym DNSCRYPT/OPENDNS.

Ale mam inne łącze, to z którego teraz piszę - jest ono też na PPPoE ale nie jest to Neostrada i nigdy problemów nie było.

Połączony z 15 June 2015 22:14:30:
Czyli reasumując.
Włączenie DNSCRYPT/OPENDNS na routerze gdzie WAN jest na Neostradzie PPPoE powoduje problem z zestawieniem PPPoE.
Edytowany przez qwerty321 dnia 15-06-2015 22:14
Podaj namiary gdzie to aktywować lub dezaktywować, bo przekopałem chyba juz wszystko i nie natrafiłem na takie zmienne, a chciałbym przetestować.

Mikrotik hAP ac2
UniFi AP AC v2
-OFW, UniFi AP PRO- OpenWRT,
Linksys E1000v2 - Tomato-RT-N5x-MIPSR2-116-Hyzoom.4M-Mini
Tenda AC10 - AC1200 OFW
NAS - HP Microserver Gen8 i3-3220T, 8GB RAM 5x 3TB WD RED | Xpenology
A u mnie na AC56U z włączonym DNScryptem i opendnsem i No-ip com wstaje PPoE na Neostradzie normalnie. Był problem taki jak piszecie jak było ustawione Keep alive i Redial Interval na 10 s. Jak mam ustawione Redial Interval na 30 s czyli tak jak domyślnie to łączy bez problemu.
Asus RT-AC56U
Netgear R7000
Asus RT-N10U
Tenda N60
Linksys WRT54G


jack78 napisał(a):

Podaj namiary gdzie to aktywować lub dezaktywować, bo przekopałem chyba juz wszystko i nie natrafiłem na takie zmienne, a chciałbym przetestować.
Asus RT-N16[B2] FreshTomato Firmware 2020.6 MIPSR2 K26 USB AIO (od 2020.11.09)

No to mam wyłączone i ciągłe kłopoty z zestawieniem połączeniaFrown
Ale tylko jak router je sam zerwie (np zmiany w BW Limiter), jak modem zrywa po 24h to wznawia w kilka sekund.

Mikrotik hAP ac2
UniFi AP AC v2
-OFW, UniFi AP PRO- OpenWRT,
Linksys E1000v2 - Tomato-RT-N5x-MIPSR2-116-Hyzoom.4M-Mini
Tenda AC10 - AC1200 OFW
NAS - HP Microserver Gen8 i3-3220T, 8GB RAM 5x 3TB WD RED | Xpenology


jack78 napisał(a):

No to mam wyłączone i ciągłe kłopoty z zestawieniem połączeniaFrown
Ale tylko jak router je sam zerwie (np zmiany w BW Limiter), jak modem zrywa po 24h to wznawia w kilka sekund.

Mnie się wydaje, (choć nie jestem pewien) że w tym czasie była aktualizacja modułu PPPoE
Asus RT-N16[B2] FreshTomato Firmware 2020.6 MIPSR2 K26 USB AIO (od 2020.11.09)

Muszę spróbować najnowszej wersji 130, ale z tym jest kłopot, bo jak net zgaśnie na 2-3 minuty, to już mam telefony, muszę najpierw postawić jakiś inny router na podmiankę, a dopiero wtedy zabrać się za aktualizację głównego routera.

Mikrotik hAP ac2
UniFi AP AC v2
-OFW, UniFi AP PRO- OpenWRT,
Linksys E1000v2 - Tomato-RT-N5x-MIPSR2-116-Hyzoom.4M-Mini
Tenda AC10 - AC1200 OFW
NAS - HP Microserver Gen8 i3-3220T, 8GB RAM 5x 3TB WD RED | Xpenology
Mam tak DYNDNS.org, DNSCRYPT+OPENDNS i zmieniłem Redial Interval na 30 (było 10). I teraz wstaje w 3 minuty obserwując go z zewnątrz od strony WAN.
Coś jednak pomogło.
Zanim uaktualni adres IP to mija chwila i zanim zacznie mi się pingować po nazwie. Coś w tym jest. Jest lepiej niż było, bo nie ma już tego " Timeout waiting for PADO packets". Logi czyste.
Konfiguracja jest taka.
Neostrada 80/10---ich router w trybie bridge---3500LV2 z Tomato no i zmienny IP z dyndnsem.
Generalnie pomogło ale restartowałem 3 razy dopiero :-) W nocy popróbuję z 10 razy :-)
Może Shibby się wypowie co sądzi o tym?
A to może takie lamerskie pytanie.
Nie mam aktywnego ani DNSCRYPT ani OPENDNS, a korzystam z DDNS no-ip. Do czego wykorzystuje się te dwie funkcje, skoro DDNS działa bez nich?

Zmieniłem Redial Interval na 30 i mnie również pomogło. Połączenie zostało nawiązane po 42 sekundach, a wcześniej było to około 3 minuty.
Edytowany przez jack78 dnia 16-06-2015 15:08

Mikrotik hAP ac2
UniFi AP AC v2
-OFW, UniFi AP PRO- OpenWRT,
Linksys E1000v2 - Tomato-RT-N5x-MIPSR2-116-Hyzoom.4M-Mini
Tenda AC10 - AC1200 OFW
NAS - HP Microserver Gen8 i3-3220T, 8GB RAM 5x 3TB WD RED | Xpenology
I ja ostatnio wgrałem sobie wersje v 130 głownie ze względu na spore zmiany względem starszej wersji v124 której używałem. Głownie chodziło mi o TOR-a. Niestety na domyślnych ustawieniach nie łączy mi się z siecią tor. Pytanie czy tylko u mnie taki problem czy globalnie ?
Asus RT-N18U+ 1.28 -130 K26ARM USB AIO-64K


jack78 napisał(a):

Zmieniłem Redial Interval na 30 i mnie również pomogło. Połączenie zostało nawiązane po 42 sekundach, a wcześniej było to około 3 minuty.

tak, jest lepiej ale wraz nie jest tak jak było w przypadku używania tych wcześniejszych wersji tomato.
Jeżeli zaczniesz zmieniać konfigurację routera, i klikniesz "Zapisz"
to w dalszym ciągu następuje to nieszczęsne łączenie i rozłączanie PPPoE,
łączy się, dostaje IP, a po sekundzie lub dwóch nastepuje rozłączenie i ponowna próba połączenia
i raz jest szybciej, raz jest wolniej ale tak się dzieje.
Na starszych wersjach Tomato tego nie było.
Asus RT-N16[B2] FreshTomato Firmware 2020.6 MIPSR2 K26 USB AIO (od 2020.11.09)

to akurat jest głupota. Wydaj komendę:
chmod 666 /dev/null

i tor wystartuje.

Naprawię to w następnej wersji.
Proxmox VE: i5-13400T, 64GB RAM, 512GB NVMe, 3x2TB SSD, 1x1TB SSD, Intel X710-DA2 SFP+
VM Router: OpenWRT 22.03.4
VM NAS: Synology SA6400
VM VPS: Debian, WWW, Home Assistant
Switch: Netgear MS510TXPP
Switch: Ubiquiti USW-Flex-mini - szt. 2
Wi-Fi: Ubiquiti U6-Lite - szt. 2
nie pomaga. W logach:

/dev/null can't be opened. Exiting.

Update: Po wyłączenie Tora i włączeniu ponownie ruszyło :)
Edytowany przez backlit dnia 16-06-2015 18:46
Asus RT-N18U+ 1.28 -130 K26ARM USB AIO-64K
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27-07-2024 15:07
@servee - na początek router do rozebrania i obejrzenia, ciężko wróżyć tak tylko po objawach

27-07-2024 14:55
@servee - cały kontroler nie pada tak sobie z powodu "zbiegu okoliczności",
więc prawdopodobnie gdzieś przepięcie.

25-07-2024 13:33
@maxikaaz: działało, aż pewnego pięknego dnia przestało działać. W tym dniu była też burza, ale to raczej zbieg okoliczności.

25-07-2024 11:38
@servee - o ile problem jest w obrębie samych wyjść (dławiki, warystory), to naprawialne, ale jeśli w samym SoC - to nienaprawialne ze względu na koszta. A co było przyczyną?

25-07-2024 09:22
W routerze RT-N18u siadły mi wszystkie porty LAN oraz WAN. Działa tylko radio. To jest naprawialne?

29-06-2024 15:16
hi, mam problem z routerkiem RT-AC88u a dokładniej z wgraniem nowego firmware.

03-06-2024 16:24
poszlo w koncu -najpierw przez restoration jakies stare ddwrt, potem z menu update plik ac66u z art o zmianie 868l->ac66u

02-06-2024 21:44
trx size 44560384 > memory size 33554432 nigdy czegos takiego nie widzialem podczas flashowania rutera

02-06-2024 21:37
wgrywanie ddwrt z opisu zmiany softu z dlinka na asusa nic nie daje, dalej startuje tomato, wgranie ddwrt dla ac66u wchodzi, ale z niego tez nie da sie wgrac ofw asusa i merlina, kicha

02-06-2024 19:57
Probowal ktos wrocic z tomata do OFW ASAUSa na przerowbionym DIR868l -> rt-ac66u ? Ni cholery nie moge dac sobie rady.

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