27 Maja 2024 07:29:44
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Broadcom MIPSEL
Broadcom MIPSEL
36% [151 głosów]

Broadcom ARM
Broadcom ARM
52% [216 głosów]

5% [22 głosów]

1% [4 głosów]

1% [3 głosów]

1% [5 głosów]

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vsFtpd - problem z upload
Mam problem z vsftpd, nie moge przeslac pliku na serwer, przesyla sie jakies 3kB i stoi - dlaczego ?
W logach mam [pid 1503] [ftp] FAIL DOWNLOAD: Client "XX.XX.XX.XX", "/", 0.00Kbyte/sec

wpis w vsftpd.conf


i tu juz roznie kombinowalem z nobody jako uzytkownik... bez wpisu no_priv_user... z roznymi sciezkami w anon_root tu akurat katalog Ftp z uprawnieniami
drwxrwxrwx 4 ftp ftp 4096 Jan 8 19:29 Ftp

Ma ktos jakis pomysl co jest nie tak

dodam jescze ze w konsoli zatrzymuje sie
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> binary
200 Switching to Binary mode.
ftp> put spraaa0.pdf
local: spraaa0.pdf remote: spraaa0.pdf
200 PORT command successful. Consider using PASV.
150 Ok to send data.

tutaj czekam plik ma 180k a ja z 5 minut i potem

netout: Connection reset by peer
421 Data timeout. Reconnect. Sorry.
z lan czy wan? Jak z wan to nie masz załadowanego modułu ip_conntrack_ftp ew coś za dużo zablokowałeś na firewallu.
Masz niepotrzebny ruter, uszkodzony czy nie - ch?tnie przygarn? go.
http://eko.one.pl - prawie wszystko o OpenWrt
z wan i lan mam tak samo
wydajac iptables -L mam:


Chain INPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp option=!2 flags:SYN/SYN
input_rule all -- anywhere anywhere
input_wan all -- anywhere anywhere
LAN_ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT icmp -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT gre -- anywhere anywhere
REJECT tcp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
TCPMSS tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp flags:SYN,RST/SYN TCPMSS clamp to PMTU
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
forwarding_rule all -- anywhere anywhere
forwarding_wan all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere

Chain LAN_ACCEPT (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
RETURN all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere

Chain OUTPUT (policy DROP)
target prot opt source destination
DROP all -- anywhere anywhere state INVALID
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere state RELATED,ESTABLISHED
output_rule all -- anywhere anywhere
ACCEPT all -- anywhere anywhere
REJECT tcp -- anywhere anywhere reject-with tcp-reset
REJECT all -- anywhere anywhere reject-with icmp-port-unreachable

Chain forwarding_rule (1 references)
target prot opt source destination

Chain forwarding_wan (1 references)
target prot opt source destination

Chain input_rule (1 references)
target prot opt source destination

Chain input_wan (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:21
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:22
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:55555
ACCEPT tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:4662
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:4665
ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:4667

Chain output_rule (1 references)
target prot opt source destination

wydajac ipkg list_installed


base-files - 9 - OpenWrt filesystem structure and scripts
base-files-brcm - 2 - Board/architecture specific files
bridge - 1.0.6-1 - Ethernet bridging tools
busybox - 1.00-5 - Core utilities for embedded Linux systems
dnsmasq - 2.35-1 - A lightweight DNS and DHCP server
dropbear - 0.48.1-1 - a small SSH 2 server/client designed for small memory environments.
e2fsprogs - 1.39-1 - Ext2/3 filesystem utilities
fdisk - 2.12r-1 - Partition table manipulation utility
haserl - 0.8.0-1 - a CGI wrapper to embed shell scripts in HTML documents
ipkg - 0.99.149-2 - lightweight package management system
iptables - 1.3.3-2 - The netfilter firewalling software for IPv4
iptables-mod-conntrack - 1.3.3-3 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for connection tracking
iptables-mod-extra - 1.3.3-3 - Other extra Iptables (IPv4) extensions
iptables-mod-filter - 1.3.3-3 - Iptables (IPv4) extension for packet content inspection
iptables-mod-imq - 1.3.3-3 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for Intermediate Queuing Device QoS-support
iptables-mod-ipopt - 1.3.3-3 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for matching/changing IP packet options
iwlib - 28.pre7-1 - Library for setting up WiFi cards using the Wireless Extension
kernel - 2.4.30-brcm-5 -
kmod-brcm-wl - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Proprietary driver for Broadcom Wireless chipsets
kmod-diag - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for LEDs and buttons
kmod-ext2 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for EXT2 filesystem support
kmod-ext3 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for EXT3 filesystem support
kmod-imq - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel support for the Intermediate Queueing device
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Extra Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for connection tracking
kmod-ipt-extra - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Other extra Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules
kmod-ipt-filter - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for packet content inspection
kmod-ipt-ipopt - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for matching/changing IP packet options
kmod-ipt-nat-default - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Default Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for special protocols
kmod-nls-cp1250 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for NLS Codepage 1250 (Slavic/Central European Languages)
kmod-nls-cp850 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for NLS Codepage 850 (Europe)
kmod-nls-iso8859-1 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1)
kmod-nls-iso8859-15 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9)
kmod-nls-iso8859-2 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for ISO 8859-2 (Latin 2)
kmod-ppp - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PPP support
kmod-pppoe - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PPP over Ethernet support
kmod-sched - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel schedulers for IP traffic
kmod-switch - 2.4.30-brcm-1 - switch driver for robo/admtek switch
kmod-usb-core - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for USB
kmod-usb-storage - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for USB storage support
kmod-usb-uhci - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for UHCI USB controllers
kmod-usb2 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for USB2 controllers
kmod-vfat - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for VFAT filesystem support
kmod-wlcompat - 2.4.30-brcm-4 - Compatibility module for using the Wireless Extension with broadcom's wl
libgcc - 3.4.4-10 - GCC support library
libncurses - 5.2-8 - Terminal handling library
libopenssl - 0.9.8d-2 - OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) libraries
libpcap - 0.9.4-1 - a low-level packet capture library
libpthread - 0.9.27-1 - POSIX threads library
libreadline - 5.1-1 - Command lines edition library
libuuid - 1.39-1 - DCE compatible Universally Unique Identifier library
mc - 4.1.35-3 -
mtd - 5 - Tool for modifying the flash chip
nano - 1.3.8-1 - An enhanced clone of the Pico text editor
nas - 3.90.37-17 - Proprietary Broadcom WPA Authenticator/Supplicant
ncurses - 5.5-1 -
nfs-server - 2.2beta47-2 - User space NFS server
ntpclient - 2003_194-2 - NTP client for setting system time from NTP servers.
nvram - 1 - NVRAM utility and libraries for Broadcom hardware
openssh-sftp-server - 4.4p1-1 - OpenSSH SFTP server
php5 - 5.0.5-1 - PHP5 Hypertext preprocessor
portmap - 5beta-2 - The RPC Portmapper
ppp - 2.4.3-7 - a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon (with MPPE/MPPC support)
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.3-7 - a PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) plugin for PPP
qos-scripts - 1.2.0-0 - QoS scripts for OpenWrt
samba-common - 2.0.10-4 - NetBIOS/SMB server and client shared files
samba-server - 2.0.10-4 - NetBIOS/SMB file and print server
swap-utils - 2.12r-1 - Swap space management utilities
tc - 2.6.11-050330-1 - iproute2 traffic control utility
tcpdump - 3.9.4-1 - A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.
uclibc - 0.9.27-9 - Standard C library for embedded Linux systems
vsftpd - 2.0.4-1 - a fast and secure FTP server
webif - 0.2-1 - A modular, extensible web interface for OpenWrt.
webif-lang-pl - 0.3-10 - Polish language file for webif.
webif-theme-zephyr - 0.3-10 - Zephyr theme for webif^2.
wificonf - 6 - Replacement utility for wlconf
wireless-tools - 28.pre7-1 - Tools for setting up WiFi cards using the Wireless Extension
zlib - 1.2.3-4 - an implementation of the deflate compression method (library)
lsmod pokaz
Masz niepotrzebny ruter, uszkodzony czy nie - ch?tnie przygarn? go.
http://eko.one.pl - prawie wszystko o OpenWrt
root@OpenWrt:~# lsmod
Module Size Used by Tainted: P
ppp_async 8108 0 (unused)
ppp_generic 22868 0 [ppp_async]
slhc 6352 0 [ppp_generic]
ipt_length 336 5
ipt_layer7 10512 2
ipt_ipp2p 7320 1
ipt_CONNMARK 816 2
ehci-hcd 20556 0 (unused)
uhci 30180 0 (unused)
usb-storage 68624 2
sd_mod 12500 4
scsi_mod 70616 2 [usb-storage sd_mod]
usbcore 74808 1 [ehci-hcd uhci usb-storage]
nls_iso8859-2 3184 0 (unused)
nls_iso8859-15 3184 0 (unused)
nls_iso8859-1 2672 0 (unused)
nls_cp850 3424 0 (unused)
nls_cp1250 3680 0 (unused)
vfat 11692 0
fat 36840 0 [vfat]
ext3 72788 0
jbd 54872 0 [ext3]
ext2 41528 1
wlcompat 15744 0 (unused)
ip_nat_irc 2336 0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_irc 3128 1
ip_nat_tftp 1824 0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_tftp 1728 1
ip_nat_ftp 2960 0 (unused)
ip_conntrack_ftp 4320 1
wl 423640 0 (unused)
switch-robo 4460 0 (unused)
switch-core 4912 0 [switch-robo]
diag 19808 0 (unused)
W teorii wszystko ok...
Masz niepotrzebny ruter, uszkodzony czy nie - ch?tnie przygarn? go.
http://eko.one.pl - prawie wszystko o OpenWrt
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12-05-2024 18:22
Ma ktos sim Plus lub Plush? Mam kod to terabajta danych na 30 dni z blikomanii Smile

10-05-2024 15:43
Czy intel n100 4x 3,40Ghz z Intel HD i DDR5 byłby dobry, widziałem za 550zł z 8gb ram i ssd 512gb?

26-04-2024 14:41
jaki router RMerlin nie pociagne, tomato/ openwrt tak non hilink,

23-04-2024 12:35
modem bez smilocka?

22-04-2024 23:27
Czy próbował ktoś uzywac karty voice (z nolimit GB) od tmobile w modemie /routerze? Da się jakoś to zrobić? Bo u mnie neta brak. E3372 Sad

31-03-2024 12:54
Wesolego jajka wszytskim forumowiczom Grin

28-03-2024 23:24
tak, tak zgadza sie, ale ja pytam o wykluczenie noda na guest network w first set, i to nie dziala

24-03-2024 13:16
Guest network is currently designed to allow the first set of each band (2.4G, 5G, 5G-1) available to the AiMesh node

24-03-2024 03:03
ale w 1 jest opcja do wyboru - dla calej sieci albo rutera only i wlasnie o tym mowie, ze nie dziala

23-03-2024 16:31
w dokumencie asusa jest ze wlasnie dla 1 ma dzialac na nodach tez

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