oscam na openwrt (ar71xx) i tomato k2.6
duda007 |
Dodano 18-01-2012 21:40
Posty: 4
Dołączył: 26/09/2009 19:05
@DdoxD, gdzie na firewallu? Jakim firewallu? Jak oscam stoi na routerze czyli ostatnim urządzeniu przed "wyjściem na świat", za nim juz tylko czysty internet IP zewnetrzne ozywiscie. Więc jakbyś rozwinąl pojęcie "otworzenia portów na firewallu" byłbym wdzięczny |
pawelsonx |
Dodano 19-01-2012 00:18
Posty: 22
Dołączył: 17/11/2011 14:21
dopisz do pliku /etc/config/firewall
config 'remote_accept' 'cccam'
option 'local_port' '12000'
option 'remote_port' '12000'
option 'proto' 'tcp'
option 'zone' 'wan'
config 'remote_accept' 'newcamd'
option 'local_port' '10100'
option 'remote_port' '10100'
option 'proto' 'tcp'
option 'zone' 'wan'
potem /etc/init.d/firewall restart |
wawryl |
Dodano 19-01-2012 13:55
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Cytat duda007 napisał(a):
@DdoxD, gdzie na firewallu? Jakim firewallu? Jak oscam stoi na routerze czyli ostatnim urządzeniu przed "wyjściem na świat", za nim juz tylko czysty internet IP zewnetrzne ozywiscie. Więc jakbyś rozwinąl pojęcie "otworzenia portów na firewallu" byłbym wdzięczny
Masz jak byk przekierowanie portów w Gargoyle
Jeśli Gargoyle:1.5.x (r29492), by obsy to ustaw sobie jeszcze w Menadżer usług autostart oscam
Edytowany przez wawryl dnia 19-01-2012 14:00
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
duda007 |
Dodano 19-01-2012 19:14
Posty: 4
Dołączył: 26/09/2009 19:05
@pawelsonx dzięki działa jak trzeba
@wawryl, hehe nie o to chodziło, przekierować port to ja umiem a przekierować port żeby dochodzily połączenia na (czyli na adres routera) z poziomu gargoyle się chyba nie da. Sposób pawelsonx zadziałał Autostart mam ustawiony. Mimo wszystko dziękuje za porady
a co do spostrzeżeń - jak na razie oscam działa całkiem całkiem co prawda jeszcze nie podłączałem phoenixa, ale wszystko w swoim czasie |
wawryl |
Dodano 20-01-2012 12:01
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Z lekka baranieje po włączeniu skryptu sprawdzającego co 5min w sheduler
while [ true ]
ALIVE=`ps|grep -v grep|grep "oscam -b"|wc -l`
if [ $ALIVE = 0 ]
echo "`date` Router i Oscam....Restart" >> $CHECK_OSCAM
sleep 30
exit 0
obciąża porcek asusa
Mem: 31692K used, 95172K free, 0K shrd, 2608K buff, 9212K cached
CPU: 67% usr 17% sys 0% nic 0% idle 0% io 1% irq 13% sirq
Load average: 8.04 3.61 1.93 5/123 18904
910 905 root R < 6948 5% 25% oscam -b
906 905 root R < 6948 5% 24% oscam -b
14605 12072 root S < 5228 4% 7% oscam -b
14606 12072 root S < 5228 4% 5% oscam -b
920 905 root S < 6948 5% 2% oscam -b
14607 12072 root S < 5228 4% 1% oscam -b
914 905 root S < 6948 5% 1% oscam -b
14609 12072 root S < 5228 4% 1% oscam -b
18633 1278 root R 1736 1% 1% top
14616 12072 root S < 5228 4% 1% oscam -b
14612 12072 root S < 5228 4% 1% oscam -b
14610 12072 root S < 5228 4% 1% oscam -b
922 905 root R < 6948 5% 1% oscam -b
912 905 root S < 6948 5% 1% oscam -b
1451 905 root S < 6948 5% 1% oscam -b
907 905 root S < 6948 5% 1% oscam -b
913 905 root S < 6948 5% 1% oscam -b
1150 661 root S 1216 1% 1% dropbear -p 29 -a
14617 12072 root S < 5228 4% 0% oscam -b
14608 12072 root S < 5228 4% 0% oscam -b
911 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
921 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
18188 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
944 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
12074 12072 root S < 5228 4% 0% oscam -b
923 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
916 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
909 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
915 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
917 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
950 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
903 902 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
947 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
918 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
952 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
905 903 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
15026 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
919 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
13376 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
14444 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
17584 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
14815 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
18182 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
17574 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
937 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
951 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
14076 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
938 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
14842 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
941 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
942 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
936 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
939 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
953 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
957 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
14063 905 root S < 6948 5% 0% oscam -b
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps
1 root 1364 S /sbin/init noinitrd
2 root 0 SW< [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW< [ksoftirqd/0]
4 root 0 SW< [events/0]
5 root 0 SW< [khelper]
19 root 0 SW< [kblockd/0]
48 root 0 SW [pdflush]
49 root 0 SW [pdflush]
50 root 0 SW< [kswapd0]
51 root 0 SW< [aio/0]
93 root 0 SW< [mtdblockd]
294 root 752 S hotplug2 --persistent --no-coldplug
333 root 1352 S buttons
334 root 1320 S console
335 root 1724 S /bin/sh
337 root 1716 S syslogd -L -s 50
339 root 1716 S klogd
350 root 0 SW< [khubd]
391 root 736 S p9100d -f /dev/usb/lp0 0
414 root 0 SW< [scsi_eh_0]
415 root 0 SW< [usb-storage]
651 root 1716 S telnetd -p 23
661 root 1144 S dropbear -p 29 -a
688 root 1012 S eapd
691 root 1120 S nas
702 root 2572 S httpd
704 root 1732 S crond -l 9
706 root 1028 S rstats
721 root 984 S cstats
902 root 3060 S oscam -b
903 root 6932 S < oscam -b
905 root 6932 S < oscam -b
906 root 6932 S < oscam -b
907 root 6932 S < oscam -b
908 root 6932 S < oscam -b
909 root 6932 S < oscam -b
910 root 6932 S < oscam -b
911 root 6932 S < oscam -b
912 root 6932 S < oscam -b
913 root 6932 S < oscam -b
914 root 6932 S < oscam -b
915 root 6932 S < oscam -b
916 root 6932 S < oscam -b
917 root 6932 S < oscam -b
918 root 6932 S < oscam -b
919 root 6932 S < oscam -b
920 root 6932 S < oscam -b
921 root 6932 S < oscam -b
922 root 6932 S < oscam -b
923 root 6932 S < oscam -b
936 root 6932 S < oscam -b
937 root 6932 S < oscam -b
938 root 6932 S < oscam -b
939 root 6932 S < oscam -b
941 root 6932 S < oscam -b
942 root 6932 S < oscam -b
944 root 6932 S < oscam -b
947 root 6932 S < oscam -b
950 root 6932 S < oscam -b
951 root 6932 S < oscam -b
952 root 6932 S < oscam -b
953 root 6932 S < oscam -b
957 root 6932 S < oscam -b
985 root 1356 S radio join
1150 root 1216 R dropbear -p 29 -a
1278 root 1732 S -sh
1451 root 6932 S < oscam -b
2216 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
5418 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
9026 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
10515 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
13208 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
13376 root 6932 S < oscam -b
14063 root 6932 S < oscam -b
14076 root 6932 S < oscam -b
14744 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14815 root 6932 S < oscam -b
14842 root 6932 S < oscam -b
15026 root 6932 S < oscam -b
16220 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
17574 root 6932 S < oscam -b
17584 root 6932 S < oscam -b
17909 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
18182 root 6932 S < oscam -b
18417 root 6932 S < oscam -b
18440 root 6932 S < oscam -b
18505 root 6932 S < oscam -b
18995 root 6932 S < oscam -b
19123 root 6932 S < oscam -b
19476 root 1712 S sleep 30
19583 root 1712 S sleep 30
19611 root 1712 S sleep 30
19628 root 1712 S sleep 30
19629 root 1712 S sleep 10
19637 root 1712 S sleep 10
19639 root 1712 S sleep 10
19640 root 1712 S sleep 10
19641 root 1720 R ps
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 20-01-2012 13:14
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
Masz chyba 2 skrypty sprawdzające odpalone 4X.
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!
wawryl |
Dodano 20-01-2012 13:24
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Hmm tylko dlaczego jak w sheduler jest wrzucone czyżby zapętlało się?
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
radomir |
Dodano 20-01-2012 16:08
Posty: 65
Dołączył: 17/09/2009 12:16
Wrzuciłem do siebie ten skrypy z funkcją reboot przy wywaleniu oscama.
Jak na razie nie widzę takiego obciążenia procka jak w twoich logach ale działa to bardzo fajnie i bez problemu z ładowaniem sterów usb dla smargo.
Obydwa smargo pracują stabilnie i bez problemowo.
Poczekam jeszcze trochę i zobaczę co się będzie działo bo wczoraj inny skrypt niby działał ale jak oscam padł ok.godz 22 to niestety skrypt już go nie podniósł a w logach ze skryptu zapisało że oscam cały czas pracuje tak jakby gdzieś był widoczny działający proces ale ps niczego nie wykazywał.
UPC Fiber Power 250Mb/s ==>>modem Cisco EPC 3212==>>router Asus RT-AC68U
wawryl |
Dodano 20-01-2012 16:28
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Hmm nawet po wyłączeniu skryptu problem pozostaje do momentu wyłączenia z prądu sprzętu. Nie mam pojęcia co może być nie tak może ta wersja tomato mu nie pasuje?
Tomato Firmware 1.28.0000 MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 20-01-2012 16:39
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
A jaka wersje oscama masz??
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!
wawryl |
Dodano 20-01-2012 16:49
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Tomato Firmware 1.28.0000 MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 20-01-2012 17:49
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
Ja pytam o oscama, a ty mi tu z Tomato wylatujesz
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!
wawryl |
Dodano 20-01-2012 18:49
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Unix starttime: 1327081590
Starttime: 20.01.12 18:46:30
Version: 1.10rc-svn Rev. 5983
Max PID: unlimited
Active modules:
Web interface support: yes
SSL support: no
DVB API support no
Anti-cascading support: yes
ECM doublecheck: no
Irdeto guessing: yes
Debug mode: yes
LED support: no
Q-Box HD LED support: no
Log history: yes
Monitor: yes
Loadbalancing support: yes
LCD support: no
camd 3.3x: yes
camd 3.5 UDP: yes
camd 3.5 TCP: yes
newcamd: yes
CCcam: yes
gbox: yes
radegast: yes
serial: yes
constant CW: yes
Cardreader: yes
Nagra: yes
Irdeto: yes
Conax: yes
Cryptoworks: yes
Seca: yes
Viaccess: yes
NDS Videoguard: yes
DRE Crypt: yes
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 20-01-2012 18:53
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
Spróbuj tej binarki: OSCam cardserver v1.00-unstable_svn, build #5382 (mips-wrt54g-linux) - (w) 2009-2011 Streamboard SVN
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!
wawryl |
Dodano 20-01-2012 20:41
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Cytat hermes-80 napisał(a):
Spróbuj tej binarki: OSCam cardserver v1.00-unstable_svn, build #5382 (mips-wrt54g-linux) - (w) 2009-2011 Streamboard SVN
Ok testuję
Mem: 27944K used, 98920K free, 0K shrd, 2656K buff, 9184K cached
CPU: 80% usr 11% sys 0% nic 5% idle 0% io 0% irq 2% sirq
Load average: 2.15 1.65 1.06 2/91 26333
1142 1141 root S < 7564 6% 63% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1148 1141 root S < 7564 6% 2% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
24960 1141 root S < 7564 6% 2% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1159 1141 root S < 7564 6% 2% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1146 1141 root S < 7564 6% 2% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1145 1141 root S < 7564 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1150 1141 root S < 7564 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1152 1141 root S < 7564 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
26239 26194 root R 1728 1% 1% top
1187 1141 root S < 7564 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1151 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1188 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1158 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
3024 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1147 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1156 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1143 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1149 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
1186 1141 root S < 7564 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
716 1 root S 2572 2% 0% httpd
Połączony z 22 styczeń 2012 16:41:00:
Dziwna sprawa
Tak wyglądają procesy po kilku godzinach pracy z ustawionym skryptem sprawdzającym co 10min oscam w harmonogramie
while [ true ]
ALIVE=`ps|grep -v grep|grep "oscam -b"|wc -l`
if [ $ALIVE = 0 ]
echo "`date` Router i Oscam....Restart" >> $CHECK_OSCAM
sleep 30
exit 0
Tomato v1.28.0000 MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps
1 root 1364 S /sbin/init noinitrd
2 root 0 SW< [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW< [ksoftirqd/0]
4 root 0 SW< [events/0]
5 root 0 SW< [khelper]
19 root 0 SW< [kblockd/0]
48 root 0 SW [pdflush]
49 root 0 SW [pdflush]
50 root 0 SW< [kswapd0]
51 root 0 SW< [aio/0]
93 root 0 SW< [mtdblockd]
294 root 752 S hotplug2 --persistent --no-coldplug
333 root 1352 S buttons
334 root 1320 S console
335 root 1724 S /bin/sh
337 root 1716 S syslogd -L -s 50
339 root 1716 S klogd
353 root 0 SW< [khubd]
391 root 736 S p9100d -f /dev/usb/lp0 0
415 root 0 SW< [scsi_eh_0]
416 root 0 SW< [usb-storage]
642 root 1716 S telnetd -p 23
645 root 1144 S dropbear -p 29 -a
677 root 1012 S eapd
680 root 1120 S nas
697 root 2572 S httpd
699 root 1736 S crond -l 9
701 root 1028 S rstats
708 root 984 S cstats
814 root 1356 S radio join
1896 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
1897 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
1953 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
1954 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
2155 root 3036 S /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2157 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2158 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2159 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2160 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2161 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2162 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2163 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2164 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2165 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2166 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2167 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2168 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2169 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2170 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2171 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2172 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2173 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2174 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2175 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2176 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2185 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2192 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2198 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2199 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2201 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2202 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2203 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2206 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2208 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
3566 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
3567 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
4899 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
4900 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
5396 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
6357 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
6358 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
6459 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
6530 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
7462 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
7463 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
7963 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
7964 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
8995 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
8996 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
9018 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
10448 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
10449 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
10850 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
10851 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
11021 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
11059 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
11241 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
11242 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
12818 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
14597 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14598 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
14675 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14676 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
14831 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14832 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
14910 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
15602 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
15603 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
15700 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
16373 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
16374 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
16909 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
18032 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
18034 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
18066 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
18067 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
18074 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
18267 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
18268 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
19297 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
19783 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
20009 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
20010 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
20345 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
20346 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
20457 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
20458 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
20837 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
20846 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
21696 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
21726 root 1712 S sleep 30
21728 root 1712 S sleep 30
21750 root 1712 S sleep 30
21759 root 1712 S sleep 30
21763 root 1712 S sleep 30
21773 root 1712 S sleep 30
21775 root 1712 S sleep 30
21777 root 1712 S sleep 30
21800 root 1712 S sleep 30
21804 root 1712 S sleep 30
21826 root 1712 S sleep 30
21851 root 1712 S sleep 30
21874 root 1712 S sleep 30
21888 root 1216 S dropbear -p 29 -a
21902 root 1712 S sleep 30
21955 root 1712 S sleep 30
21957 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
21965 root 1712 S sleep 30
21971 root 1712 S sleep 30
21978 root 1712 S sleep 30
21994 root 1712 S sleep 30
22001 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
22002 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
22014 root 1712 S sleep 30
22020 root 1712 S sleep 30
22022 root 1712 S sleep 30
22044 root 1712 S sleep 30
22049 root 1712 S sleep 30
22050 root 1712 S sleep 30
22061 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
22062 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
22077 root 1712 S sleep 30
22151 root 1712 S sleep 30
22159 root 1712 S sleep 30
22162 root 1712 S sleep 30
22164 root 1712 S sleep 30
22165 root 1728 S -sh
22170 root 1712 S sleep 30
22212 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
22213 root 1720 R ps
22932 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
24180 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
24181 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
24691 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
25277 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
25482 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
25483 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
25970 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
25971 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
26519 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
26520 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
28977 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
28978 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
29001 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
30055 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
30056 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
30741 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
30742 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
31627 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
31628 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
komenda top:
Mem: 36392K used, 90472K free, 0K shrd, 2680K buff, 9268K cached
CPU: 47% usr 41% sys 0% nic 10% idle 0% io 0% irq 0% sirq
Load average: 5.85 4.01 2.89 2/180 25184
2159 2158 root S < 7244 6% 12% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
12818 2158 root S < 7244 6% 7% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2169 2158 root S < 7244 6% 2% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2171 2158 root S < 7244 6% 2% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2167 2158 root S < 7244 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
25046 22165 root R 1736 1% 1% top
2176 2158 root S < 7244 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2162 2158 root S < 7244 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2160 2158 root S < 7244 6% 1% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
25277 2158 root S < 7244 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
22932 2158 root S < 7244 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2170 2158 root S < 7244 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2164 2158 root S < 7244 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
24181 24180 root S 1720 1% 0% /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.s
30056 30055 root S 1720 1% 0% /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.s
20458 20457 root S 1720 1% 0% /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.s
21888 645 root S 1216 1% 0% dropbear -p 29 -a
5 2 root SW< 0 0% 0% [khelper]
2163 2158 root S < 7244 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2208 2158 root S < 7244 6% 0% /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
Nie mam pojęcia co jest czyżby tomato miało jakiegoś buga?
Oscam pracuje ok nie wykrzacza się czasy w miarę
Edytowany przez wawryl dnia 22-01-2012 15:43
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 22-01-2012 15:47
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
Poparz, jak zapętlają ci się skrypty i odpalają po kilka razy ten sam - pamiętaj, że firewall wielokrotnie się przeładowuje przy restartowaniu usług i to powoduje wielokrotne odpalanie tego samego programu.
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!
wawryl |
Dodano 22-01-2012 15:56
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
hmm ale dlaczego tak się dzieje jak wydaję się że pętla jest zamknięta
while [ true ]
ALIVE=`ps|grep -v grep|grep "oscam -b"|wc -l`
if [ $ALIVE = 0 ]
echo "`date` Router i Oscam....Restart" >> $CHECK_OSCAM
sleep 30
exit 0
Jeśli nie jest ok proszę o pomoc w poprawieniu. Jeśli ok to co jest nie tak?
Zmieniam skrypt na inny:
OSCAM_START=/opt/etc/init.d/oscam start
MONTUJE_OPT=/bin/mount -o bind /mnt/opt/opt /opt
while [ true ]
ALIVE=`ps|grep -v grep|grep "oscam -b"|wc -l`
if [ $ALIVE = 0 ]
sleep 20
/sbin/swapon UUID="aca2f807-a210-4732-bdb8-3fd10e3bdb81"
/bin/mount UUID="dd1c12c3-b74f-4217-93c2-01d6d36f695d" /opt
/bin/mount UUID="3f9b0340-2e85-4ed0-89db-f97c2daf7f09" /nas
sleep 20
echo "`date` Restart - powod: zanik procesow" >> $CHECK_OSCAM
sleep 10
exit 0
root@unknown:/tmp/home/root# ps
1 root 1364 S /sbin/init noinitrd
2 root 0 SW< [kthreadd]
3 root 0 SW< [ksoftirqd/0]
4 root 0 SW< [events/0]
5 root 0 SW< [khelper]
19 root 0 SW< [kblockd/0]
48 root 0 SW [pdflush]
49 root 0 SW [pdflush]
50 root 0 SW< [kswapd0]
51 root 0 SW< [aio/0]
93 root 0 SW< [mtdblockd]
294 root 752 S hotplug2 --persistent --no-coldplug
333 root 1352 S buttons
334 root 1320 S console
335 root 1724 S /bin/sh
337 root 1716 S syslogd -L -s 50
339 root 1716 S klogd
353 root 0 SW< [khubd]
391 root 736 S p9100d -f /dev/usb/lp0 0
415 root 0 SW< [scsi_eh_0]
416 root 0 SW< [usb-storage]
642 root 1716 S telnetd -p 23
645 root 1144 S dropbear -p 29 -a
677 root 1012 S eapd
680 root 1120 S nas
697 root 2572 S httpd
699 root 1736 S crond -l 9
701 root 1028 S rstats
708 root 984 S cstats
814 root 1356 S radio join
1896 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
1897 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
1953 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
1954 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
2155 root 3036 S /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2157 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2158 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2159 root 7244 R < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2160 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2161 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2162 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2163 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2164 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2165 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2166 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2167 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2168 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2169 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2170 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2171 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2172 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2173 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2174 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2175 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2176 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2185 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2192 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2198 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2199 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2201 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2202 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2203 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2206 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
2208 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
3566 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
3567 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
4899 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
4900 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
5396 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
6357 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
6358 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
6459 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
6530 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
7386 root 1216 S dropbear -p 29 -a
7462 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
7463 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
7517 root 1720 S -sh
7963 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
7964 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
8995 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
8996 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
9018 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
9235 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
9236 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
9708 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
10448 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
10449 root 1720 R /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
10484 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
10495 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
10620 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
10850 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
10851 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
11021 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
11241 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
11242 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
11258 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
11429 root 1712 S sleep 30
11437 root 1712 S sleep 30
11439 root 1712 S sleep 30
11466 root 1712 S sleep 30
11469 root 1712 S sleep 30
11471 root 1712 S sleep 30
11484 root 1712 S sleep 30
11487 root 1712 S sleep 30
11514 root 1712 S sleep 30
11518 root 1712 S sleep 30
11520 root 1712 S sleep 30
11551 root 1712 S sleep 30
11557 root 1712 S sleep 30
11562 root 1712 S sleep 30
11564 root 1712 S sleep 30
11592 root 1712 S sleep 30
11597 root 1712 S sleep 30
11599 root 1712 S sleep 30
11601 root 1712 S sleep 30
11609 root 1712 S sleep 30
11617 root 1712 S sleep 30
11634 root 1712 S sleep 30
11659 root 1712 S sleep 10
11661 root 1712 S sleep 30
11663 root 1712 S sleep 30
11666 root 1712 S sleep 30
11680 root 1712 S sleep 30
11682 root 1712 S sleep 30
11690 root 1712 S sleep 30
11698 root 1712 S sleep 30
11715 root 1712 S sleep 30
11717 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
11718 root 1720 R ps
11719 root 1716 S grep -v grep
11720 root 860 R grep oscam -b
11721 root 1712 S wc -l
11722 root 1248 R [ true ]
11723 root 1720 R ps
12818 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
14597 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14598 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
14675 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14676 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
14831 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
14832 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
14910 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
15602 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
15603 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
15700 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
16373 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
16374 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
16909 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
18066 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
18067 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
18267 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
18268 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
19783 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
20009 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
20010 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
20345 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
20346 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
20457 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
20458 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
20837 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
21696 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
21888 root 1216 S dropbear -p 29 -a
21957 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
22001 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
22002 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
22061 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
22062 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
22165 root 1728 S -sh
22932 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
23392 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
24180 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
24181 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
24691 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
25277 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
25482 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
25483 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
25970 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
25971 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
26519 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
26520 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
27119 root 1216 S dropbear -p 29 -a
27200 root 1720 S -sh
27310 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
28977 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
28978 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
29001 root 7244 S < /opt/bin/oscam -b -c /opt/etc/oscam/
30055 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
30056 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
30522 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
30523 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
30741 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
30742 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
31627 root 1720 S /bin/sh /tmp/sch_c1_cmd.sh
31628 root 1720 S /bin/sh /opt/etc/scripts/oscam_check.sh
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 22-01-2012 16:05
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
Tutaj nie chodzi o sam skrypt ale mechanizmy Tomato w restartowaniu usług i powiązanych z nimi procesów.
Przed odpaleniem skryptu w FW dodaj komendę:
killall oscam_check.sh
Poza tym sprawdź na sucho czy on faktycznie poprawnie działa i podczas zabicia procesów oscama podniesie program poprawnie.
Edytowany przez hermes-80 dnia 22-01-2012 16:11
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!
wawryl |
Dodano 22-01-2012 16:53
Posty: 119
Dołączył: 04/10/2007 11:44
Na sucho radzi sobie. A tak na chłopski rozum to harmonogram nie nadaje sie do tego typu skryptu ;) Nie lepiej bezpośrednio do crona zapodać?
to mój root
0 */1 * * * logger -p syslog.info -- -- MARK -- #syslogdmark#
44 11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 * * * ntpsync --cron #ntpsync#
53 16 22 1 * sched sch_c1 #sch_c1#
0 4 * * 0,1,2,3,4,5,6 sched sch_c2 #sch_c2#
Tomato nie zeświruje?
ASUS WL500GP v1 RAMmod 128MB + Tomato MIPSR1-083V K26 USB Mega-VPN
hermes-80 |
Dodano 22-01-2012 18:04
Posty: 3676
Dołączył: 21/04/2009 11:24
Tego to ja nie wiem ale ten plik leży w NVRAM-ie i jeśli tam go nie utrwalisz po restarcie nie będziesz miał tego wpisu.
Netgear WNR3500L v1
Podziękowania dla administracji Openlinksys.info!